Magic Numbers!
We have had the first Charlotte card night and some interesting stories can be told from the happenings of the night, although maybe not all the happenings……eh paddy!
Must admit though the flying Irishman has new meaning for me now……lol
The night started well and Navigator made an appearance showing off his latest scar from the shoulder operation, although he was making the most of it with us having to deal on his behalf.
We all stood in awe of the piles of silver to which Brenton placed in front of him creating the scene of an impenetrable fortress.
Mattman arrived with a marble bag of silver which underwent full inspection to ensure the cheap currency had been removed. Somehow Odam managed to stake a claim to some New Zealand funding which soon got withdrawn when it was realized that Odam could no longer make out what the pretty pictures were on the cards, this strategic maneuver by Mattman was timed perfectly as shortly after Odam had passed out of the couch!
The ever so cautious Capt Blow Hard slowly let funds out whilst trying to read the opposition but after half a carton of Wild Turkey and coke forgot what he started so reverted tactics to just handing cash out.
Navigator joined forces with Brenton’s impenetrable fortress of fear, but it was BJ and the little Irishman we call Paddy that reduced the castle to a mere shadow of itself, in fact I would say it resembled a paupers shack!
There was a particular hand where the betting got confident to the point where there surely would have been a leprechaun whispering in someone’s ear and whoever took notice would take the pot, onya Paddy!
Best hand of the night went to BJ for the four of a kind she had hidden away springing a trap on many newcomers to the game (not me).
The thoughts of many turned from winning a great size pot to how many hash browns one could afford for tomorrows breakfast .
On that note we called it an early morning and money bags were filled by some and not by others. All in all it was a great night which seemed to just fly by like the Irish exchange rate and looking forward to the next card night.
Capt Blow Hard
Nav note:
Meanwhile poor Paddy is feeling guilty taking home $100+ more than he came with, but the rest of us don't mind as we just had a great time. Cheaper than a night club and You didn't mention that Paddy displayed his fine pole dancing characteristics at the end of the night. Mind you he may not remember, and don't want to!
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